58: New Year's Resolution 2025

Easy English Podcast


Happy New Year from Easy English! As a way to celebrate, Mitch quizzes Isi (...with the help of Buzzfeed) to find her New Year's resolution, play along with the link in the show notes. Later, Raz has a question about improving his speaking skills in our section of Unhelpful Advice.

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Show Notes



[0:23] Hello. I'm back.

[0:28] Full of energy.

[0:29] I'm back. It's a new year. I'm back.

[0:32] Happy New Year!

[0:33] Happy New Year! I'm back.

[0:37] You say that like you're surprised.

[0:39] I'm back. Yeah, I haven't been in the podcast for. .. (Two episodes. ) I mean, I did the Aftershow. Did anyone hear it? Dear members, did you hear the Aftershow? I did the full Aftershow. I hope people listened to that. And did, also, that I did also do the Christmas icebreakers, in my isolated COVID room. Yeah, I had COVID, it took a long time it's still not completely gone. (But now?) Do you still hear my nose? And my... what do you mean now a new year? COVID doesn't care about years change.

[1:16] Yeah, exactly. Everyone's like, new year, new me.

[1:19] New me... well, new me, at least, feels a bit better.

[1:22] A bit more nasally.

[1:23] A bit more nasally. I think we're now coming. Yeah, it's now four weeks. Ah.

[1:30] Okay.

[1:30] That was longer than expected, but, I'm on the mend.

[1:34] On the mend.

[1:35] That's a good...

[1:36] I'm on the mend. Yeah, you mend the car. You mend your broken rollerblades that you broke, directly after you got it as a Christmas present from your grandmother.

[1:43] And my broken body.

[1:45] And you've mended your broken body.

[1:48] Yeah.

[1:48] To cheer you up, and to make you feel a bit better and to welcome you into the new year we have a new year's, themed, episode. And plus, we have some messages from fellow listeners, they could be pranks, they could be butt-calls, but we will play them.

[2:05] Oh God, we don't know.

Topic of the Week

[2:14] So I have two topics to bring to you, maybe one if we run out of time. The first one is a pretty obvious cliched one, New Year's resolution.

[2:24] Yes.

[2:25] Do you have a New Year's resolution?

[2:28] I do have some general ones, but not too specific.

[2:33] Wonderful. I have a New Year's resolution quiz for you, and maybe people can also play this at home. I'll leave the link in the show notes. Buzzfeed have created a, what they call; 'if you don't have a new year's resolution yet, take this quiz to get a suuuuuuuper specific one.' (Yeah, let's go.) What word describes your 2024? I'm going to read some out to you; boring, life-changing, successful, challenging, chaotic, long , exciting, different. Did any of those ring out true to you?

[3:09] Yeah two, can you read them out again.

[3:12] Boring, life-changing, successful, challenging, chaotic, long, exciting, different.

[3:20] Successful and different, I would say.

[3:22] Can only have one.

[3:25] Different then, to the years before.

[3:28] Okay, which of these things are you guilty of doing the most? Being late, interrupting, walking slowly, talking during a movie, not replacing an empty toilet roll... toilet paper roll, cracking knuckles, littering, using the wrong (your/you're), that's a very Easy English appropriate mistake, as in you are and your, the spelling.

[3:57] Do I do that wrong? (No, no, you don't, but I'm saying that's a very... it's a very common thing that English people even get wrong.) Yeah, or...? That's it? (That was it.) Hmm... none of these. (None of them!?) Wait, what was before the paper... toilet paper roll

[4:14] Cracking knuckles, talking during a movie, walking slowly, interrupting, or being late.

[4:19] Probably walking and... talking, walking... talking in a movie.

[4:25] Okay, pick a holiday other than new year's eve.

[4:30] Summer holiday.

[4:31] That's not...

[4:32] Ah, you mean...

[4:32] Oh, this is actually like a...

[4:34] I get it.

[4:36] You've got Valentine's, Halloween, Thanksgiving; we don't do that in the UK. Christmas, Hanukkah...

[4:42] Christmas.

[4:43] Christmas. What percent of New Year's resolution have you actually completed in the past? None of them, 10%, 25%, 40%, 55%, 70%, 85% or 100%?

[4:57] If we talk about the past year, I think I was very successful. That's why I kind of wanted to also choose successful for the last year.

[5:04] Let's do that then, shall we? 100%.

[5:07] No, 85% I would say. Should I then also have successful as my word?

[5:12] No.

[5:13] Okay, bye. Because you can't go back, right?

[5:15] Yeah, exactly. Which of these chores is your least favourite? Doing the dishes, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, taking out the trash... taking out the rubbish, laundry, mopping floors, mowing the lawn.

[5:33] Wait to... slowly. (Sorry.) okay

[5:38] Or cleaning the bedroom.

[5:39] Oh I already have two that I don't like of these, all the others I kind of like. (Okay , tell me.) Bathroom, laundry. Both super annoying.

[5:48] Which one would you pick as the one you hate the most? (Laundry.) Laundry. (Yeah.) Okay. I'm the laundry man in the house.

[5:54] Yeah you... you like laundry more than me. I mean, you also don't enjoy it do you?

[6:00] Does anyone enjoy doing any chores, really?

[6:02] Oh, I love washing dishes. I think it's so relaxing. I love vacuum cleaning as well.

[6:09] Oh you do, actually. (Yeah.) That's true.

[6:11] Bathroom can also be okay. I mean, nobody wants to clean a toilet. But in general, I love... I like cleaning sinks and tiles. (Your own sink.) I love cleaning the kitchen more. (Yeah.) You don't like cleaning the kitchen, I don't... I don't get why... we should do an episode about cleaning. Household! We never did household items and cleaning, put that down! (I'll make a note of it.) Because it's actually interesting, you find it disgusting to clean a kitchen and I find it disgusting to clean a bathroom. Who finds it disgusting to clean a kitchen, you eat there.

[6:44] I always heard that they... that contrary to belief, your kitchen is always dirtier than your bathroom.

[6:51] Yeah probably is, but I like to clean it. Okay anyway, put that down, we have a good discussion there. Yeah, laundry.

[6:59] Which of these areas do you want to work on the most in 2025? This is already kind of, angling towards the resolution, probably. (Yeah.) Careerschool, finances, physical health... health with an 'f'. Traveling... (Wha... health with an 'f'?) Yeah, sorry, I did that very London-y; health. (Ah, yeah.) travelling, family life, romance, friendships, or mental health? There's a few there probably, that you would say.

[7:36] Oh yeah, I would definitely choose a few.

[7:38] You can only pick one, most important one.

[7:42] I think, yeah, the most important one is always health. And then... (Which health, physical or mental?) Oh it's one health for me. (One love.) One love, one health. One health is though, more used... the phrase in animal and human health, isn't it? Anyway, that's another topic. (Getting philosophical on a Buzzfeed quiz.) Okay um... I have to choose one? Yeah, physical health.

[8:07] Physical health. Pick a vacation destination... a holiday destination.

[8:12] Okay.

[8:14] The beach, snowy mountain, I feel like a game show; European sightseeing, cruise, tree-house.

[8:23] Wait... sightseeing, cruise, tree-house, yeah.

[8:25] City nightlife, road trip, spa.

[8:29] Well, road trips we do enough. Our whole year is a road trip, really. Definitely don't need another road trip. I mean, if it would be a fun... no, not a road trip, we have enough.

[8:40] And we live by the beach.

[8:41] Yeah, but otherwise, it is the beach probably that I choose always. But then, you know what, I don't really like forests, but the tree-house directly was like; ah that sounds so relaxing.

[8:50] I know the one that you would instantly say no to; cruise.

[8:53] Cruise. City sightseeing is fun for a bit.

[8:57] Or spa, someone touching your legs.

[9:02] Your legs... oh god no don't touch me anyway. I really don't get that, that's also a good episode by the way. (Physical contact?) No, but I mean in general, I don't want to go to a massage of a stranger, weird! (Yeah.) Or like, you know people that cream you. Eurgh! Why would you put something on my body. (Cream you is a weird phrase.) It is a weird phrase, yeah. But don't they, after like with some... yeah! You get like, packages and then you... they cream you with some weird soil or so. Eurgh! (Okay, your saying tree-house, is that what you're saying?) Wait, Europe sightseeing... Europe sightseeing or... what was that? (European sightseeing.) That's fun for a day.

[9:50] This is obviously aimed at U.S. citizens, so maybe our would be like, U.S. sightseeing.

[9:55] 'm not so happy in a forest, but the tree-house might be close to a lake or so and, you are right, we have the beach in front of the door. So I would say the tree-house, yeah, let's go different.

[10:08] Okay, got your next birthday present sorted then.

[10:10] No don't.

[10:12] Oh, I don't even know what this name... this word even means in this next question; which of these enneagram description fits you most?

[10:21] Oh, yeah.

[10:21] An enneagram of personality, or simply the enneagram is a suedo-scientific model, I can't even read, of human psyche, which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types; the reformer, the helper, the achiever, the individualist, the investigator, the loyalist, the enthusiast, or the challenger.

[10:52] Okay, helper, enthusiast and loyalist. Does loyalist just mean that I'm loyal to friends or does it... (Faithful and dependable, probably.) I would say helper, loyalist, enthusiast.

[11:07] Yeah, I’d say you're somewhere between loyalist and helper. But this is... oh yeah, what fits you best? Not even in any year, just overall. I'd say loyalist or helper is your top one.

[11:17] Yeah, I would say loyalist then.

[11:19] Loyalist, I'd say that too. What area of your house do you spend the most amount of time in? And here it has basement.

[11:26] The kitchen! Basement. Yeah, cool.

[11:33] Oh, should I read them out?

[11:34] Oh, okay.

[11:35] Let me just say, it's not going to have like, bizarre ones. The billiard room.

[11:39] Yeah, probably the office, or the front room. Yeah, let's put the front room.

[11:44] The living room

[11:44] I hope for myself. That it's... you say mostly front room.

[11:49] Front room or living room, even if it isn't at the front of your house, your living area is known as your front room.

[11:54] I hope it's the living room, let's be a bit hopeful here. Not the office.

[11:58] Okay, let's go for it, I think we can change that one, see if it changes the end result. That's the one we can go back, see if it has a really big influence. (Okay.) Okay, choose your...

[12:09] They probably say; you're lazy, get your arse up, from your couch.

[12:10] Get cooking. (Leave the sofa. ) Choose your least favourite subject at school; English, maths, science, history, foreign language, computers, gym, or art. In British English we say P.E.; physical education.

[12:28] Yeah. I hated PE because it was so, I don't know, it was. .. let's not go into it.

[12:36] I also did and I kind of... I quite like sports.

[12:38] eird encounters, very, very weird thing with how to... how boys and girls are... (Oh I see.) let's not go into it. So yeah, PE was not, just, very rarely with a good teacher and then my favourites were... od, every question I’m just doing a monologue, the favourites were; language... foreign languages, history and arts. Okay, yeah, PE, I think.

[13:04] PE.

[13:05] I think the concept, hopefully today, it's better, but the concept wasn't right.

[13:09] Okay, you have two more left. I then, you're going to be given your news resolution for 2025.

[13:14] Let's go.

[13:14] Pick a superpower that you would want to use, right this second; invisibility, flight, shape-shifting, teleportation, super strength, super speed, reading minds, water manipulation?

[13:29] Wait, can you go slowly through them? I don't even understand them.

[13:32] Is that a superpower?

[13:33] Okay. (Invisibility.) Yeah, definitely not, don't know, why would I do this? (Flight.) No not flight. (Shape-shifting.) W hat does that mean?

[13:42] You can turn into things.

[13:43] No. (Like a rock.) I’m a chair now. (Or a pencil.) Someone sits on me, no.

[13:51] Worst superhero movie ever.

[13:54] Turn into a chair.

[13:56] Teleportation. The ability to...

[13:58] Yeah, that would be probably it. And say the others.

[14:01] Save on that car journey.

[14:02] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[14:07] Super strength, super speed, (No.) reading minds, or water manipulation.

[14:09] I don't know what that even means. (I guess a bit like, who's that guy that separated the...) Moses. (Moses, yeah.) Super speed, super strength think I would... definitely, teleportation. (Okay.) 'Cos if we... we have so many places we want to be at, all of our friends and family are in different places. If we could go, within a second, to visit them, that would be absolutely, always sad, right? That would be my superpower.

[14:36] A bit annoying though, because I think you just have it and I'd be like see you there, in a bit.

[14:39] Yeah, you drive I'll make dinner ready, tomorrow, after your 48 hour trip.

[14:50] Okay, and finally to answer your new year's resolution.

[14:54] Am I talking too much? (No, maybe.)

[14:59] What category of items fills up the majority of your holiday wish list?

[15:04] What does that mean, like Christmas wishes? (I guess.) Okay, yeah.

[15:09] Clothes, technology. entertainment, homeware, shoes and accessories, food and beverages, travel , or sentimental gifts, like photos and...

[15:22] Wish list, well but for sentimentals you don't wish, it's obviously nice if someone gives you like, a photo album or something. But do you wish for it? it's a bit odd. (No.) It should be a nice surprise. (Yeah.) Yeah, obviously this is a... sentimentals are always the best gifts, but you don't wish for it. What I wish for um... shoes and accessories, it's definitely not shoes, I'm not a shoes enthusiast. Accessories, I would say. Homeware, I also like a lot. (Yeah, I’d say it's one of those two.) Yeah, I think it's probably more homeware, for me, no? (Okay we're going homeware.) Yeah.

[16:03] Are you ready? (Yeah.) drum roll... (Yeah, go go.) (Go running.)Your new year's resolution is; find your missing socks that you lost.

[16:09] Are you kidding me? Really?

[16:13] Put your detective work to the test and solve the case, find the missing socks you're convinced are in the dryer. (Is that real? this is so disappointing.) Wait... oh no, you can't even go back and select old answers.

[16:33] Find your missing socks? Okay, cool. That was great, thank you. hey but it's, it's, it's about the process, isn't it? Okay, I think our second Topic of the Week will not be happening. I talked too much but maybe we can do one message.

[16:48] ne second, let me sort the microphone out. I think. (I think.) I think that um... there's only one, which is a real one, that's not just someone saying hello. (Oh okay.) Shall we have a listen? (Yeah.)

Unhelpful Advice

[17:07] Good evening my teacher, my name is Razgar, I am living in the UK. At this time, I am learning English, I have the course on Zoom, online, but at times I need a... I need to learn English, on Zoom, online, face to face. I have the question, please you can help me for the Zoom online, you have the course, Zoom online, face to face, please you can help me, I need help, please.
Unhelpful Advice

[17:49] Yeah if you want to improve your speaking skills, then we run a conversation class, a weekly conversation class, on Tuesday nights in British time, at18:15. To join in, you have to become a conversation member, as part of our membership and then you'll be invited, by us, to join other members who also want to improve their speaking skills. There's a whole bunch of us now and we talk about preset topics, just recently, we spoke about 'beginnings', as it's the new year. It's a really inclusive and welcome atmosphere, so come and join in and get to meet the other members who are trying to improve their English and get to meet myself and Isi, as well, we can say hello and say thank you for becoming a member. (Yes.) you'll also be invited to our Discord channel. So after the pub call finishes, you'll be able to chit-chat away there, and get to know people, and answer some questions and if you want to become a conversation member, you have to go to our membership page which you'll find at easyenglish.video/membership.

[18:57] Okay I think that's it, also keep your eyes peeled on the Easy English YouTube channel and also on our Instagram, as we'll be announcing some special new year's surprises to our membership, and to our videos and podcasts, keep your ear to the ground.

[19:15] Okay, all the best for you, let's start this year and have a good time. Te-ra!



0:23 Isi:
Hello. I'm back.
0:28 Mitch:
Full of energy.
0:29 Isi:
I'm back. It's a new year. I'm back.
0:32 Mitch:
Happy New Year!
0:33 Isi:
Happy New Year! I'm back.
0:37 Mitch:
You say that like you're surprised.
0:39 Isi:
I'm back. Yeah, I haven't been in the podcast for. .. (Two episodes. ) I mean, I did the Aftershow. Did anyone hear it? Dear members, did you hear the Aftershow? I did the full Aftershow. I hope people listened to that. And did, also, that I did also do the Christmas icebreakers, in my isolated COVID room. Yeah, I had COVID, it took a long time it's still not completely gone. (But now?) Do you still hear my nose? And my... what do you mean now a new year? COVID doesn't care about years change.
1:16 Mitch:
Yeah, exactly. Everyone's like, new year, new me.
1:19 Isi:
New me... well, new me, at least, feels a bit better.
1:22 Mitch:
A bit more nasally.
1:23 Isi:
A bit more nasally. I think we're now coming. Yeah, it's now four weeks. Ah.
1:30 Mitch:
1:30 Isi:
That was longer than expected, but, I'm on the mend.
1:34 Mitch:
On the mend.
1:35 Isi:
That's a good...
1:36 Mitch:
I'm on the mend. Yeah, you mend the car. You mend your broken rollerblades that you broke, directly after you got it as a Christmas present from your grandmother.
1:43 Isi:
And my broken body.
1:45 Mitch:
And you've mended your broken body.
1:48 Isi:
1:48 Mitch:
To cheer you up, and to make you feel a bit better and to welcome you into the new year we have a new year's, themed, episode. And plus, we have some messages from fellow listeners, they could be pranks, they could be butt-calls, but we will play them.
2:05 Isi:
Oh God, we don't know.

Topic of the Week

2:14 Mitch:
So I have two topics to bring to you, maybe one if we run out of time. The first one is a pretty obvious cliched one, New Year's resolution.
2:24 Isi:
2:25 Mitch:
Do you have a New Year's resolution?
2:28 Isi:
I do have some general ones, but not too specific.
2:33 Mitch:
Wonderful. I have a New Year's resolution quiz for you, and maybe people can also play this at home. I'll leave the link in the show notes. Buzzfeed have created a, what they call; 'if you don't have a new year's resolution yet, take this quiz to get a suuuuuuuper specific one.' (Yeah, let's go.) What word describes your 2024? I'm going to read some out to you; boring, life-changing, successful, challenging, chaotic, long , exciting, different. Did any of those ring out true to you?
3:09 Isi:
Yeah two, can you read them out again.
3:12 Mitch:
Boring, life-changing, successful, challenging, chaotic, long, exciting, different.
3:20 Isi:
Successful and different, I would say.
3:22 Mitch:
Can only have one.
3:25 Isi:
Different then, to the years before.
3:28 Mitch:
Okay, which of these things are you guilty of doing the most? Being late, interrupting, walking slowly, talking during a movie, not replacing an empty toilet roll... toilet paper roll, cracking knuckles, littering, using the wrong (your/you're), that's a very Easy English appropriate mistake, as in you are and your, the spelling.
3:57 Isi:
Do I do that wrong? (No, no, you don't, but I'm saying that's a very... it's a very common thing that English people even get wrong.) Yeah, or...? That's it? (That was it.) Hmm... none of these. (None of them!?) Wait, what was before the paper... toilet paper roll
4:14 Mitch:
Cracking knuckles, talking during a movie, walking slowly, interrupting, or being late.
4:19 Isi:
Probably walking and... talking, walking... talking in a movie.
4:25 Mitch:
Okay, pick a holiday other than new year's eve.
4:30 Isi:
Summer holiday.
4:31 Mitch:
That's not...
4:32 Isi:
Ah, you mean...
4:32 Mitch:
Oh, this is actually like a...
4:34 Isi:
I get it.
4:36 Mitch:
You've got Valentine's, Halloween, Thanksgiving; we don't do that in the UK. Christmas, Hanukkah...
4:42 Isi:
4:43 Mitch:
Christmas. What percent of New Year's resolution have you actually completed in the past? None of them, 10%, 25%, 40%, 55%, 70%, 85% or 100%?
4:57 Isi:
If we talk about the past year, I think I was very successful. That's why I kind of wanted to also choose successful for the last year.
5:04 Mitch:
Let's do that then, shall we? 100%.
5:07 Isi:
No, 85% I would say. Should I then also have successful as my word?
5:12 Mitch:
5:13 Isi:
Okay, bye. Because you can't go back, right?
5:15 Mitch:
Yeah, exactly. Which of these chores is your least favourite? Doing the dishes, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, taking out the trash... taking out the rubbish, laundry, mopping floors, mowing the lawn.
5:33 Isi:
Wait to... slowly. (Sorry.) okay
5:38 Mitch:
Or cleaning the bedroom.
5:39 Isi:
Oh I already have two that I don't like of these, all the others I kind of like. (Okay , tell me.) Bathroom, laundry. Both super annoying.
5:48 Mitch:
Which one would you pick as the one you hate the most? (Laundry.) Laundry. (Yeah.) Okay. I'm the laundry man in the house.
5:54 Isi:
Yeah you... you like laundry more than me. I mean, you also don't enjoy it do you?
6:00 Mitch:
Does anyone enjoy doing any chores, really?
6:02 Isi:
Oh, I love washing dishes. I think it's so relaxing. I love vacuum cleaning as well.
6:09 Mitch:
Oh you do, actually. (Yeah.) That's true.
6:11 Isi:
Bathroom can also be okay. I mean, nobody wants to clean a toilet. But in general, I love... I like cleaning sinks and tiles. (Your own sink.) I love cleaning the kitchen more. (Yeah.) You don't like cleaning the kitchen, I don't... I don't get why... we should do an episode about cleaning. Household! We never did household items and cleaning, put that down! (I'll make a note of it.) Because it's actually interesting, you find it disgusting to clean a kitchen and I find it disgusting to clean a bathroom. Who finds it disgusting to clean a kitchen, you eat there.
6:44 Mitch:
I always heard that they... that contrary to belief, your kitchen is always dirtier than your bathroom.
6:51 Isi:
Yeah probably is, but I like to clean it. Okay anyway, put that down, we have a good discussion there. Yeah, laundry.
6:59 Mitch:
Which of these areas do you want to work on the most in 2025? This is already kind of, angling towards the resolution, probably. (Yeah.) Careerschool, finances, physical health... health with an 'f'. Traveling... (Wha... health with an 'f'?) Yeah, sorry, I did that very London-y; health. (Ah, yeah.) travelling, family life, romance, friendships, or mental health? There's a few there probably, that you would say.
7:36 Isi:
Oh yeah, I would definitely choose a few.
7:38 Mitch:
You can only pick one, most important one.
7:42 Isi:
I think, yeah, the most important one is always health. And then... (Which health, physical or mental?) Oh it's one health for me. (One love.) One love, one health. One health is though, more used... the phrase in animal and human health, isn't it? Anyway, that's another topic. (Getting philosophical on a Buzzfeed quiz.) Okay um... I have to choose one? Yeah, physical health.
8:07 Mitch:
Physical health. Pick a vacation destination... a holiday destination.
8:12 Isi:
8:14 Mitch:
The beach, snowy mountain, I feel like a game show; European sightseeing, cruise, tree-house.
8:23 Isi:
Wait... sightseeing, cruise, tree-house, yeah.
8:25 Mitch:
City nightlife, road trip, spa.
8:29 Isi:
Well, road trips we do enough. Our whole year is a road trip, really. Definitely don't need another road trip. I mean, if it would be a fun... no, not a road trip, we have enough.
8:40 Mitch:
And we live by the beach.
8:41 Isi:
Yeah, but otherwise, it is the beach probably that I choose always. But then, you know what, I don't really like forests, but the tree-house directly was like; ah that sounds so relaxing.
8:50 Mitch:
I know the one that you would instantly say no to; cruise.
8:53 Isi:
Cruise. City sightseeing is fun for a bit.
8:57 Mitch:
Or spa, someone touching your legs.
9:02 Isi:
Your legs... oh god no don't touch me anyway. I really don't get that, that's also a good episode by the way. (Physical contact?) No, but I mean in general, I don't want to go to a massage of a stranger, weird! (Yeah.) Or like, you know people that cream you. Eurgh! Why would you put something on my body. (Cream you is a weird phrase.) It is a weird phrase, yeah. But don't they, after like with some... yeah! You get like, packages and then you... they cream you with some weird soil or so. Eurgh! (Okay, your saying tree-house, is that what you're saying?) Wait, Europe sightseeing... Europe sightseeing or... what was that? (European sightseeing.) That's fun for a day.
9:50 Mitch:
This is obviously aimed at U.S. citizens, so maybe our would be like, U.S. sightseeing.
9:55 Isi:
'm not so happy in a forest, but the tree-house might be close to a lake or so and, you are right, we have the beach in front of the door. So I would say the tree-house, yeah, let's go different.
10:08 Mitch:
Okay, got your next birthday present sorted then.
10:10 Isi:
No don't.
10:12 Mitch:
Oh, I don't even know what this name... this word even means in this next question; which of these enneagram description fits you most?
10:21 Isi:
Oh, yeah.
10:21 Mitch:
An enneagram of personality, or simply the enneagram is a suedo-scientific model, I can't even read, of human psyche, which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types; the reformer, the helper, the achiever, the individualist, the investigator, the loyalist, the enthusiast, or the challenger.
10:52 Isi:
Okay, helper, enthusiast and loyalist. Does loyalist just mean that I'm loyal to friends or does it... (Faithful and dependable, probably.) I would say helper, loyalist, enthusiast.
11:07 Mitch:
Yeah, I’d say you're somewhere between loyalist and helper. But this is... oh yeah, what fits you best? Not even in any year, just overall. I'd say loyalist or helper is your top one.
11:17 Isi:
Yeah, I would say loyalist then.
11:19 Mitch:
Loyalist, I'd say that too. What area of your house do you spend the most amount of time in? And here it has basement.
11:26 Isi:
The kitchen! Basement. Yeah, cool.
11:33 Mitch:
Oh, should I read them out?
11:34 Isi:
Oh, okay.
11:35 Mitch:
Let me just say, it's not going to have like, bizarre ones. The billiard room.
11:39 Isi:
Yeah, probably the office, or the front room. Yeah, let's put the front room.
11:44 Mitch:
The living room
11:44 Mitch:
I hope for myself. That it's... you say mostly front room.
11:49 Mitch:
Front room or living room, even if it isn't at the front of your house, your living area is known as your front room.
11:54 Isi:
I hope it's the living room, let's be a bit hopeful here. Not the office.
11:58 Mitch:
Okay, let's go for it, I think we can change that one, see if it changes the end result. That's the one we can go back, see if it has a really big influence. (Okay.) Okay, choose your...
12:09 Isi:
They probably say; you're lazy, get your arse up, from your couch.
12:10 Mitch:
Get cooking. (Leave the sofa. ) Choose your least favourite subject at school; English, maths, science, history, foreign language, computers, gym, or art. In British English we say P.E.; physical education.
12:28 Isi:
Yeah. I hated PE because it was so, I don't know, it was. .. let's not go into it.
12:36 Mitch:
I also did and I kind of... I quite like sports.
12:38 Isi:
eird encounters, very, very weird thing with how to... how boys and girls are... (Oh I see.) let's not go into it. So yeah, PE was not, just, very rarely with a good teacher and then my favourites were... od, every question I’m just doing a monologue, the favourites were; language... foreign languages, history and arts. Okay, yeah, PE, I think.
13:04 Mitch:
13:05 Isi:
I think the concept, hopefully today, it's better, but the concept wasn't right.
13:09 Mitch:
Okay, you have two more left. I then, you're going to be given your news resolution for 2025.
13:14 Isi:
Let's go.
13:14 Mitch:
Pick a superpower that you would want to use, right this second; invisibility, flight, shape-shifting, teleportation, super strength, super speed, reading minds, water manipulation?
13:29 Isi:
Wait, can you go slowly through them? I don't even understand them.
13:32 Mitch:
Is that a superpower?
13:33 Isi:
Okay. (Invisibility.) Yeah, definitely not, don't know, why would I do this? (Flight.) No not flight. (Shape-shifting.) W hat does that mean?
13:42 Mitch:
You can turn into things.
13:43 Isi:
No. (Like a rock.) I’m a chair now. (Or a pencil.) Someone sits on me, no.
13:51 Mitch:
Worst superhero movie ever.
13:54 Isi:
Turn into a chair.
13:56 Mitch:
Teleportation. The ability to...
13:58 Isi:
Yeah, that would be probably it. And say the others.
14:01 Mitch:
Save on that car journey.
14:02 Isi:
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:07 Mitch:
Super strength, super speed, (No.) reading minds, or water manipulation.
14:09 Isi:
I don't know what that even means. (I guess a bit like, who's that guy that separated the...) Moses. (Moses, yeah.) Super speed, super strength think I would... definitely, teleportation. (Okay.) 'Cos if we... we have so many places we want to be at, all of our friends and family are in different places. If we could go, within a second, to visit them, that would be absolutely, always sad, right? That would be my superpower.
14:36 Mitch:
A bit annoying though, because I think you just have it and I'd be like see you there, in a bit.
14:39 Isi:
Yeah, you drive I'll make dinner ready, tomorrow, after your 48 hour trip.
14:50 Mitch:
Okay, and finally to answer your new year's resolution.
14:54 Isi:
Am I talking too much? (No, maybe.)
14:59 Mitch:
What category of items fills up the majority of your holiday wish list?
15:04 Isi:
What does that mean, like Christmas wishes? (I guess.) Okay, yeah.
15:09 Mitch:
Clothes, technology. entertainment, homeware, shoes and accessories, food and beverages, travel , or sentimental gifts, like photos and...
15:22 Isi:
Wish list, well but for sentimentals you don't wish, it's obviously nice if someone gives you like, a photo album or something. But do you wish for it? it's a bit odd. (No.) It should be a nice surprise. (Yeah.) Yeah, obviously this is a... sentimentals are always the best gifts, but you don't wish for it. What I wish for um... shoes and accessories, it's definitely not shoes, I'm not a shoes enthusiast. Accessories, I would say. Homeware, I also like a lot. (Yeah, I’d say it's one of those two.) Yeah, I think it's probably more homeware, for me, no? (Okay we're going homeware.) Yeah.
16:03 Mitch:
Are you ready? (Yeah.) drum roll... (Yeah, go go.) (Go running.)Your new year's resolution is; find your missing socks that you lost.
16:09 Isi:
Are you kidding me? Really?
16:13 Mitch:
Put your detective work to the test and solve the case, find the missing socks you're convinced are in the dryer. (Is that real? this is so disappointing.) Wait... oh no, you can't even go back and select old answers.
16:33 Isi:
Find your missing socks? Okay, cool. That was great, thank you. hey but it's, it's, it's about the process, isn't it? Okay, I think our second Topic of the Week will not be happening. I talked too much but maybe we can do one message.
16:48 Mitch:
ne second, let me sort the microphone out. I think. (I think.) I think that um... there's only one, which is a real one, that's not just someone saying hello. (Oh okay.) Shall we have a listen? (Yeah.)
17:07 RAZ:
Good evening my teacher, my name is Razgar, I am living in the UK. At this time, I am learning English, I have the course on Zoom, online, but at times I need a... I need to learn English, on Zoom, online, face to face. I have the question, please you can help me for the Zoom online, you have the course, Zoom online, face to face, please you can help me, I need help, please.

Unhelpful Advice

17:49 Mitch:
Yeah if you want to improve your speaking skills, then we run a conversation class, a weekly conversation class, on Tuesday nights in British time, at18:15. To join in, you have to become a conversation member, as part of our membership and then you'll be invited, by us, to join other members who also want to improve their speaking skills. There's a whole bunch of us now and we talk about preset topics, just recently, we spoke about 'beginnings', as it's the new year. It's a really inclusive and welcome atmosphere, so come and join in and get to meet the other members who are trying to improve their English and get to meet myself and Isi, as well, we can say hello and say thank you for becoming a member. (Yes.) you'll also be invited to our Discord channel. So after the pub call finishes, you'll be able to chit-chat away there, and get to know people, and answer some questions and if you want to become a conversation member, you have to go to our membership page which you'll find at easyenglish.video/membership.
18:57 Mitch:
Okay I think that's it, also keep your eyes peeled on the Easy English YouTube channel and also on our Instagram, as we'll be announcing some special new year's surprises to our membership, and to our videos and podcasts, keep your ear to the ground.
19:15 Isi:
Okay, all the best for you, let's start this year and have a good time. Te-ra!